Announcement of 24 March 2020 concerning restrictions on the movement of persons on the Campuses of the Lodz University of Technology

Ladies and gentlemen, 

Due to the escalating epidemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus pandemic, which causes COVID-19 disease, further restrictions on access to the campus of Lodz University of Technology are introduced on 25/03/2020. 


Entry/exit by car and pedestrian traffic is possible only through the following gates: 

  • Campus A: Gate at 116 Żeromskiego Street  
  • Campus B: Gate at 3/5 Wróblewskiego Street  
  • Klepacz Park: Closed until further notice 
  • [MITR] Institute of Applied Radiation Chemistry – 15 Wróblewskiego St. no change 


Prof. dr hab. inż. Krzysztof Jóźwik 
Vice-Rector for Education TUL 
Head of the TUL Crisis Management Centre